Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back To School and other stuff

The kids are ALL back to school now. My three went back at three different times. College boy, Peter, was dropped off in Boston the beginning of August for Orientation Leader training and the actual Orientation week with the freshman (he's a sophomore this year). Zach started his first year of high school at the local tech school two weeks ago. And last but not least, Meghan started her senior year here yesterday. Phew! What a month! It worked out kind of nice though because I wasn't swamped with school clothes shopping and college dorm room shopping all at once.
As seen in the first picture above, one Waving Lace sock is finished. This pattern is really very pretty. And easy. I will make more of these. I don't tend do more than one pair of highly patterned socks. It relates to this thing I have about not reading a book twice and rarely watching a movie more than once. It's kind of a "been there, done that" thing. But Waving Lace will definitely be done again. I see Christmas gift socks in the near future. We'll see.

There's a picture of the Heroes Season 1 DVD set. Meghan and I love Heroes! Even though I don't like watching things more than once, Heroes was a must. There's so much going on that we had to refresh our memories before the season premier Sept. 24th. Awesome show! I think Tuesday may be "Discuss Heroes" day on Mer's Blog. Here's hoping season 2 is as good as season 1.
And just so I'm on the record, I only have 8 more pattern repeats on Mom's shawl and 13 days til I leave for Florida. I believe I will finish it in time.

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