This is what I'm dealing with. Ladybugs everywhere! While it's warm they swarm all over the house and get in the doors and windows. We vacuum them up and 10 minutes later have to vacuum them again. Argh!!

Some more randomness....this is a bag that I finished knitting about a year ago and just recently lined. The pattern is the "Quinn Bag" from Cogknition. If anyone wants the website, comment and I'll post it. Right now, I'm being a little lazy and don't feel like searching for the pattern. I used 2 or 3 skeins of Noro Kureyon.

Tomorrow I'll have a finished sock savior sock to show and a Heroes update. And Muir's socks left New Jersey Saturday morning. I'll check later to see if there's any update on their progress.
OMG, I almost forgot. The Red Sox are going to the World Series. You better believe after staying up until almost 1Am, I'm going to mention that. Very exciting!
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