Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Have A Headache

I just felt like saying that.

We're on the downslide to fall. This is a BIG transition month and I'm getting a bit kerflutzed. Peter will be leaving Saturday or Sunday for his Orientation camp/training stuff. Then he returns to pack up a Uhaul with his belongings and move to the big city. I'll never see him again! No, not literally. He'll have no reason to come here. Except for holidays.....if I'm lucky. Meghan leaves the 28th. Don't get me started on that one. Zach starts his sophomore year of high school the 21st. Where has the time gone!

Once everyone gets to where they are going, I'll have way TOO much time on my hands. I need to find something to do. I need to find a job. Past attempts have been unsuccessful. I am an awesome employee but how do you convince potential employers of that without actually showing them how awesome you are. References? Yeah, right. Burned that bridge. Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! I will find something. If I can just keep the big man off my back. He thinks he knows everything and can tell me what to do. Don't think so!

1 comment:

  1. Meredith
    Things work out in the strangest ways, just believe that. Think of the kids inj college as time to find the real meredith and enjoy it. They might just move home after school and I know how that can be. By the way if you're getting rid of those mittens I know some cold hands that would love them this winter. Take care and talk to you soon, LINDA
