Sunday, April 29, 2007

A little about me.....

...for those who might be interested. I've been lurking for about 3 years but now that I've joined Sockapalooza 4 and updates are more of a group experience, I need to get over my blog shyness and de-lurk.

"Hi. My name is Meredith and I'm a reformed lurker."

Here's the deal: I'm a middle aged married mother of three teenagers. Husband Pete, 19 year old P, 17 year old M, and 14 year old Z and myself live in a small town in central Massachusetts. Life is good, really good. The reason I'm here in the first place is because I knit. All the time. Everyday. I can count on one hand the number of days I haven't knit in the last 5 years. I taught myself to knit when I was 12 but didn't knit very much, just swatches and doll things. Then about 5 years ago a friend asked me to help her with a learn to knit class at our local elementary school. I became hooked. I think the internet was a big influence on my obsession-so much information readily available. Unfortunately, I'm shy in real life and that has translated to my blog reading. I just don't feel like I have anything terribly important to say to anyone. I wish to get over that and will give this my best effort.

Socks are my favorite thing to knit. I have this problem with getting bored with the larger objects and tend to abandon them. But socks....there is a beginning, a middle and an end, they are small and don't take as much time to see a result and I can take one wherever I go. I love knitting socks!

So now I am patiently waiting to see who my sock pal is for sockapalooza 4 so I can buy some new sock yarn-that's my second favorite thing to do-buy yarn!

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