Thursday, April 12, 2007

Lots of Stuff

The Ufserud Hat is finished. There was indeed some puckering mostly in the top portion because I stopped using both hands for the colorwork. Oops. But it looks nice. And it fits my big head.

I finished one pink and green sock and the other is about two thirds to the finishing point. I used Lorna's Laces Shepard Sock in the "Knit Happens" colorway on #1 bamboo dpn's. Love it!

This would be my lovely Ribby Cardi. I am most proud of this sweater. It's the first sweater I've made for myself. At the moment, it has no zipper. I'm a bit intimidated by the prospect of sewing a zipper into this sweater. I'm hoping I can talk my mom into putting it in when she and dad come up to visit in May. This picture isn't so great, I know. The weather outside sucks-rain and gray. So there wasn't much natural light. And I'm still not very good with the camera. You can get the basic idea. I used Cascade 220. Sorry, don't remember the color #'s. This is an awesome pattern. The directions are fantastic and everything fits together great. The only change I made was to add a couple inches to the bottom ribbing so it would be longer. Again, love it!

Yesterday, I signed up for Sockapalooza 4 . I started this blog really so I would be able to show my updates for it. It's going to be so much fun. I had fun last time. I can't wait to get started. Thanks again, Alison!

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