Thursday, May 3, 2007

This post is directed toward the wonderful person who will be knitting socks for me if she so happens to drop by for a visit. If I came off as being picky in my preferences, I really am not. If you haven't already acquired the yarn, please know that browns and greens are acceptable. I think what I meant was I don't like the idea of completely brown socks. So before I sound like a complete freak, I trust you and am so grateful to have socks knit for me.

There. I feel better!

It's a gorgeous day in New England. I'm hoping to get some pictures up later today or tomorrow since there's lots of bright, natural light. None of that gray, rainy, fugly crap in the forecast for days! Gotta love it! And I'm going to try posting to the Sockapalooza 4 blog again. I tried when it first opened and didn't get in. I thought it was me-apparently it wasn't.

ETA: Ok, I am officially a freak and newbie blogger. I just noticed that I got a comment from my secret sock pal! In response to your request, I plan to take pictures of the socks I've made already for myself this afternoon. Thanks for commenting, SSP. You made my day!

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