Thursday, June 7, 2007

Let's Try This Again

This is my latest attempt at Sockapalooza socks for my pal. I'm using Cherry Tree Hill in turquoise that I bought from Simply Socks Yarn Company-my new favorite sock yarn store. The pattern is New England from Knitting on the Road.

I will probably shorten the length of the leg to make sure I have enough yarn for two socks. The pic on the left is the back and the pic below is the front. I got the camera manual out and managed to take some brighter pictures. Let's see if I can stick to this pattern and yarn choice and actually finish a sock for my pal.

I've also started a Log Cabin blanket out of a new yarn from Berroco for either S or B for Christmas. The yarn is very soft and has the feel of a cotton blend. I like it and think it will make a nice kid's blanket. The yarn is machine washable and isn't supposed to pill.

The kids get out of school next Friday so summer will officially begin for us then. P and M have jobs which is great and I'll just have to keep Z busy and away from the TV and computer all day. The pool is almost ready to swim in. That horrible greenish brown color from all the minerals in our water is gone and is looking almost clear blue. Woot!

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